Kingdom: Vegetabile.



Ya Xiao (China), Lilach Pomerantz (Israel), Elena Sophia Di Giacinto (Italy).

Robust and flexible material with a different level of roughness on each side. Colorful patterns occur by using fruits with contrasting colors. The sustainable material feature comes thanks to the fact that it gives the fruit a second life after it has gone wrong or rotten. The mixture is spread on a silicone mat and patterns could be drawn with a squeeze bottle. After drying the material at sixty degrees Celsius for a period up to eight hours, a blended flexible material comes out.

Material Qualities

Kingdom Attributes

  • Irregular
  • Light
  • Freedom of shape
  • Fibrous
  • Warm
  • Organic
  • Natural Color in Volume

Specific Material Attributes

  • Velvety
  • Soft
  • Fibrous
  • Texturized
  • Irregular
  • Rough

Basic Ingredients

  • Mycelium filamentous cells (hyphae).
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Rubbing Alcohol


Images property of the material owners.